There is a great deal happening this term....
I will be producing a roundup of events, news and links to ideas monthly, so please spread the word if you think that anybody might benefit from this!
Tell them to head over to my website and subscribe for some hints, tips, and ideas to keep us all motivated and excited about providing literacy opportunities for all learners.
This month I want to give my top tips to support ensuring literacy rich opportunities and experiences are in place for all learners. Just click on the links below :)
For all learners we need to remember the importance of-
1. Keeping up to date with our own knowledge and understanding about how we learn to read
www.teachustoo.org.uk - Keep an eye out for the next set of free courses
2. Using technology as much as possible to support and motivate!
Reverse alphabet- https://www.gonoodle.com/videos/NXQ6G2/the-cbas,
Downloadable infographics- Fab! addressing-reading-difficulties.pdf www.callscotland.org.uk
www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKRvxbQFQLU Mrs Siravo U tube channel
www.scanningpens.com -(free literacy passport to download)
3. Reading out loud daily
4. Regular access to linking reading, writing and communication
Modules to develop shared reading www.sharedreader.org/professional-development/
5. Creating an environment where books and stories are part of everything
www.tarheelreader.org Digital libraries
www.watchknowlearn.org (rap search found me LLCoolJ)
6. Make literacy accessible from the start
Making books assessable 5 Tips to Make Books Accessible and Meaningful for Children Who Are Blind, Deafblind or Multiply Impaired | Paths to Literacy
7. Use high interest low level reading books https://www.phonicbooks.co.uk/
8. Making reading fun and ensure home school engagement is at the heart
A Parent's Guide to Phonics: Understanding How to Help your Child with Reading and Spelling Paperback – 17 Aug. 2022by Ann Sullivan https://amzn.to/3dGrbQ7
9. Celebrate and showcase achievements
10. Making the most of local faculties and environment's
More to come next month!
New course for the Autumn term Struggling to implement your phonics scheme for all learners? Looking to make it accessible, motivating, and relevant for all? We can help! For tickets or a recording of the event please click below https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/practical-phonics-for-learners-with-send-phase-1-and-beyond-tickets-417521386707

Also coming up / find me at this term
Hirstwood Training Ltd
Training | SWALSS
The Learning Partnership | CPD for Schools and Teachers
Teachers in primary schools | PEP:mk (pepmk.org.uk)
TUT Sponsored Training Opportunities — Teach Us Too
Developing the Reading Curriculum for Learners with Complex Needs- Sight Words, Phonics, or Something Else? - Creative Education amongst others
Myatt & Co - CPD films for teachers and leaders (myattandco.com)
Join me on social media where I share hints tips and encourage networking If you would like to join our Facebook Group then follow the link below (make sure you answer the questions for acceptance) Literacy for all learners QR Code:

Get in touch if you need training, support or advice Twitter @drsarahmoseley Instagram Facebook page Linkedin Dr Sarah Moseley Website www.drsarahmoseley.com Email send@drsarahmoseley.com