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Mental Wellbeing  Courses

Building resilience and promoting a positive mental health within the classroom.


Aims to develop knowledge of how and why, we need to make mental wellbeing a priority for all.


  • In this course we will be exploring strategies that can support a positive mental health and well-being for all learners.

  • Focusing on the link between mental health and learning.

  • Links to inclusion/reducing barriers to learning and supporting vulnerable learners are provided

  • Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) are discussed and the link with an increase in depression and anxiety in learners outlined. 

  • Finally practical strategies and tips are provided to promote positive mental well being and emotional literacy

  • Aiming to create calm, comfort, and connection within our classrooms for all.

Top View of Kids Playing

Understanding and responding to behaviour that challenges.

Aims to develop understanding about what we mean by challenging behaviour and why does it occur? 


  • The importance of changing our view of challenging behaviour as communication and the seeking of some form of support is emphasised through.

  • The importance of ACE’s and SEN will be linked throughout the discussion.

  • The pandemics impact on our pupil’s wellbeing and behaviour will be discussed, and stages of behaviour/practical approaches and strategies provided.

Building emotional literacy and mental health through stories and storytelling.

Aims to develop knowledge and confidence around how to use stories to boast all learner’s emotional literacy and mental health, linked to importance of this for all learners, including those with SEND.


  • Research indicates a link between the development of emotional literacy and storytelling, this course will provide clarity, understanding and strategies to use in the school and home environment.

  • Practical ideas, advice and ways forward are provided to make a difference now.

Children's Storybooks
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T: 07740391970

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©2021 by Dr Sarah Moseley Educational Consultants.

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