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Literacy courses

Teaching Reading to All Learners- A Framework for Progression within an Inclusive Reading Curriculum

 (designed as a 3 part course, if this is a one day training package you can create a bespoke combination of aspects) 

Training based on my new book full of ideas in action from over 20 schools and organisation. These practical approaches, ideas and outcome-based strategies will be used throughout the course to guide and develop our knowledge. The course aims to create an inclusive reading curriculum framework to support the success of all learners, removing barriers to learning and promote engagement.


Teaching Reading to All: Strategies for Progression and Success

  • Auditing current provision - Where to begin and the importance of high expectations.

  • Building on existing good practice and confidence

  • Current research – what is emphasised? What evidence is it built on?

  • Creating inclusive pathways/frameworks (including pre-formal, sensory pathways)

  • Developing accessible literacy-rich environments – examples of practice and ideas in action, strategies to use right now and ways to demonstrate outcomes.

Identifying Gaps and Ensuring Inclusivity

  • The role of foundation skills and understanding the teaching of reading

  • Effective use of assessment to identify gaps, strengths, and next steps for all.

  • Creating accessible and dynamic assessment systems – how to assess pre/nonverbal learners, older learners, and those with more complex needs. 

  • Examples of assessment in practice – demonstrating impact for all learners.

Reading for All: Practical Strategies for Ensuring Inclusivity in Reading Instruction

  • Practical ways into planning for an inclusive reading curriculum

  • Using technology to enhance your literacy curriculum, promoting motivation and engagement.

  • Bringing everyone with you – why involvement of families, professionals and whole school community is key to success and ways in to achieve this.

  • Ideas in action – examples of inclusive practice in action and the outcomes for all learners

The sessions will be a combination of theory and practical based approaches and provide you with the opportunity to network and share ideas with colleagues from across mainstream and special school contexts. They are based on my firm belief that every action, no matter how small can make a difference!


Often combined with a phonics session  

Public holidays
Learning on Mobile App

Teaching Phonics and Decoding Skills to neurodivergent learners/ learners with SEND

This course offers strategies for teaching phonics and decoding skills to neurodivergent learners with barriers to literacy, including those with specific learning difficulties/dyslexia, complex needs and other language-based learning differences. The course will support identifying next steps in provision and planning for all approaches and scheme.

  • This includes developing a deeper understanding of phonics and decoding as an important part of learning to read

  • Proving an overview of synthetic, analytical, and linguistic approaches

  • A focus on developing print awareness, phonological awareness, sight vocabulary, comprehension strategies and fluency to automaticity

  • Assessing learners needs, looking at tools and techniques used to assess the phonics and decoding needs of students with SEND (including learners who may be pre/nonverbal)

  • Creating effective phonics and decoding programmes, including selecting appropriate materials and using multisensory approaches.

  • Monitoring and adjusting approaches, auditing your provision (using our new audit tool Sullivan and Moseley 2023) monitoring learners progress, and adjusting provision to meet needs

  • Working with families, providing guidance on how to ensure effective home school engagement in this area.


Overall, the course is designed to provide you strategies and next steps to develop this key area for all learners.

Making phonics practical for the neurodiverse classroom - Phase 1 and beyond

If you are

• Unsure of how to make the teaching of phonics relevant for all learners?

• Struggling with fidelity to one phonics scheme for all?

• Unsure of when to start to teach phonics and when/if you should stop?

• Worried about how to ‘unstick learners’ and move them on?


The session aims to provide you confidence around

• Where to begin- celebrating strengths and identifying gaps

• How to demonstrate impact, identifying pathways and considering our end goal

Alongside practical strategies and approaches to

• Develop or consolidate the foundations of phase 1 for learners at any age

• Use multi-sensory approaches and ways in from EYFS to Post 16 for phase 2

• Implement early phonics games and rich literacy environments

• Teach or reinforce the skills of blending and segmenting

• Understand core terminology

• Develop confidence, motivation, and fluency for all learners


The course aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to support the reading development of struggling neurodivergent / learners with SEND, specifically in phonics and decoding. Providing you with practical ideas and approaches to develop this key area for all learners.

Central Cinema

Inclusion, belonging and wellbeing- the power of stories to support mental health within a neurodiverse classroom


This session aims to develop knowledge and confidence of how to use stories and storytelling to boost all learner’s emotional literacy, impacting positively on their mental health. The importance of this for all learners, including those with SEND/more complex needs.


The session will focus on-

What is emotional Literacy and why is this key to education? How does it develop?

•The importance of practicing and strengthening our skills through opportunities and experiences is explained.

  • Why is story telling so powerful for learning?

•Historical and cultural significance of stories for all learners discussed.

•Why it’s a perfect vehicle for learning, providing opportunities to experience and resolve many challenging situations.

•Alongside the importance of multi-sensory and accessible experiences.

How and why should we use our personal stories to increase the wellbeing of all learners.


Practical approaches using real books- an aspirational literacy rich environment alongside high aspirations and expectations are emphasised for all learners.

Developing Writing for all learners– ways into writing in a neurodiverse classroom

Developing writing for all learners, requires a holistic approach that encompasses many aspects of emergent and conventional writing approaches. As well as a deeper understanding of how to remove barriers to learning and provide strategies for all to succeed.


In this course we will provide an understanding of

  • Why we write and how writing develops (from mark making, scribbling to words and more)

  • The processes involved (including planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing).

  • How to build a strong foundation of literacy skills, including providing a rich literacy environment, developing phonological and phonemic awareness, letter recognition, and widening experience of vocabulary

  • The importance of creating accessible ways into each stage of the writing process (from the use of alternative pencils supporting pre/nonverbal learners and engaging older learners)

  • Using tools available to support those who may have barriers to learning (developmental writing scale, writing with all tools continuum)

  • The importance of for practical approaches for emergent and conventional learners to practice these skills through stories, games, songs, and other engaging activities.

Overall, the course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to support the writing development of learners with complex needs/ SEND. Providing you with practical ideas and approaches to develop this key area for all learners.


Supporting the Dyslexic Learner in a Neurodiverse Classroom


This course will provide participants with a toolkit of strategies to support dyslexia within the classroom from a focus on the importance of early identification to practical approaches and strategies to implement immediately.


We will cover-

  • What is Dyslexia?

  • Why is early identification key?

  • Where do we begin to support our learners? 

  • How can we create inclusive and supportive classrooms?

  • Proving practical strategies and signposting, from early identification to high quality teaching, universal provision, and specialist support


The course will be a combination of theory and practical based approaches, providing you with the opportunity to network and share ideas with colleagues. The session is based on my firm belief that every action, no matter how small can make a difference!


Ten top tips to help struggling readers in KS2

Aims -to tackle the issue of children leaving primary school unable to read to the expected standard through understanding these top tips.


  • This is often children from the vulnerable groups (poverty and literacy are intricately linked).  

  • This course looks at the top ten reasons for this and suggests practical strategies to put into place straight away from core assessments, removing the fear out of failure (best technology to support), proven high low readers, ways to get children reading aloud/independently and crucial role of home school partnership.  

  • The emphasis on what can we do now, how can we make a difference with high impact low resources.


Top tips for home literacy learning for all- supporting engagement of all learners in the home environment.

Aims- to provide top tips for reading for all – how can we support families in the current climate?


  • Now more than at any other time, stories, books and literacy are the key to learning for all pupils.

  • Our learners are facing unsettled and unstructured times where most of the learning may need to happen within the home environment.

  • Reading has been established as the key to education and it’s time to use this to unlock opportunities and experiences for all learners.

  • In the course we will focus on top tips for teaching reading to all, focusing empowering our families to use reading as a vehicle for all learning.

Get in Touch!

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Alternatively you can contact me by email or phone, I look forward to hearing from you.



T: 07740391970

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©2021 by Dr Sarah Moseley Educational Consultants.

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